Business Philosophy


Business Philosophy 01: Communication

Business Philosophy 01: Communication

 This video briefly introduces the five areas of Epic’s business philosophy and goes into detail on the first and most important philosophy – Communication. The challenges presented by designing and building a truly custom home mean that the builder must be able to...

Business Philosophy 04: Honesty & Integrity

Business Philosophy 04: Honesty & Integrity

 In part four of the Business Philosophy Series, Jeff and Kirk discuss honesty and integrity. When you consider the costs associated with building a custom home, dealing with an honest builder is crucial. This video covers some ways to find out just what kind of...

Business Philosophy 02: Education

Business Philosophy 02: Education

 In part two of the Business Philosophy Series, owners Jeff and Kirk discuss education as it relates to their business and their customers. The importance of educating the customer on best practices, finding the right way to meet the customer’s needs, and helping...

Business Philosophy 05: Transparency

Business Philosophy 05: Transparency

 In part five of the Business Philosophy Series, Jeff and Kirk talk about the importance of being up front about how pricing is handled and clear about how your builder is making money. They touch briefly on tactics used by some builders to make substantial profits...

Business Philosophy 03: Value

Business Philosophy 03: Value

 In part three of the Business Philosophy Series, Jeff and Kirk discuss the value you receive from Epic Custom Homes. This video covers the importance of value exceeding the cost and how Epic works with customers from the design and architectural process through...